Army Wives is an American drama series that follows the lives of four army wives, their families, and an army husband whose wife is in the army. The series, shot at ABC Studios, premiered on Lifetime on June 3, 2007. The show had the largest series premiere in Lifetime's 23-year history, and the largest viewership in the 10:00 pm to 11:00 pm time slot since December for Lifetime.
Cast and Crew[]
Main Cast[]
Recurring Cast[]
Main Crew[]
Directors & Writers
(From Wikipedia:Army Wives)
Critical Reception[]
Army Wives holds a score of 65 out of 100 on Metacritic, based on fifteen reviews for the first season.[28] Writing for Cinema Blend, Kelly West found the series positively portrays real army wives through its main characters who are "all strong women with a good sense of the importance of friendship, love and appreciating the time they have with their husbands, who are often being deployed overseas for months or longer." She described the series as "engaging", adding: "As a drama about the bonds of friendship and the importance of family, Army Wives works. Is it a total chick show? Yeah, I’d say so. It gets a bit soapy but overall, it’s well written, the premise is original and the acting is good."[29] New York Post's columnist Linda Stasi gave Army Wives three-and-a-half out of four stars, referring to it as a "sexy, smart, compelling series", and also lauded the acting and the writing.[30] The Chicago Tribune praised Lifetime for tackling, through Army Wives, the effects war has on the families "in a surprisingly straightforward manner."[31] Reviewing the premiere, Michelle Hewitson of the New Zealand Herald wrote: "Anything with 'wives' in the title must mean cat fights. Anything with 'Army' in the title must mean some musing on the cost of war."[32] Brian Lowry of Variety was less enthusiastic upon screening the first episodes, describing Army Wives as "a stereotypical sudser that wants to be From Here to Eternity but feels like All My Children: Military Edition."[33] Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's Rob Owen was negative about the show's storylines as they "leave talented actors in their wake"; he described the storylines as "uninspired" and "unimaginative" and wrote that the show's format evokes the home-front portion of The Unit.[34]
List of Army Wives seasons[]
DVD Releases[]
- See completed DVD series of Army Wives at Onlyudvd
DVD Name | U.S. & Canada Release Date |
Army Wives: The Complete First Season | June 10, 2008 |
Army Wives: The Complete Second Season | June 2, 2009 |
Army Wives: The Complete Third Season | February 9, 2010 |
Army Wives: The Complete Fourth Season | December 14, 2010 |
Army Wives: The Complete Fifth Season | September 27, 2011 |
Army Wives: The Complete Sixth Season (Part 1) | September 18, 2012 |
Army Wives: The Complete Sixth Season (Part 2) | December 18, 2012 |
Army Wives: The Complete Seventh Season | September 10, 2013 |